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Дневник Habbo Last. Твиттер Juick Plurk Tumblr. This agreement includes a subscription to the site notifications, Privacy Policy, Refund Policy and periodic services and promotions. Availability and General limit.

When you view the site, you represent and guarantee you: 1. Registration and permission.

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For the best use of the site fill in the questionnaire completely. Also we can to remove your account, if you provide the inexact, outdated, incomplete or misleading information. The assessment of information is based on personal opinion of site administration. Information from mail includes notifications about new members of the site, lists of updates, messages informing you of promotions, discounts etc.

You can decline mailing from us, on your personal page. If we or members of the site incur moral or loss of property because of you, we reserve right to take further actions. Management of this procedure is executed by administration, upon your written email about the end. Unused funds will be returned in a full size, according of "rules of return". We reserve the right to stop site services at any time without reason explanation. If finished membership, your profile will be delete. You can to restore while 3 years after cancelation. To restore your profile, login to your account and resume the use of the Site Services.

Member guarantees and obligations. You have no right to give access to your account to somebody else, to you your membership. Presence on the site, is allowed only to individuals and forbidden for the agencies, public organizations and informal associations 4.

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You have no right to collect email and logins of other members of the site further to crack the websites. We reserve the right to control and file a lawsuit, including civil, criminal and judicial compensation against you in case of your violation of this condition. Please, use your gumption using the Website and Services. Your communication with ladies on this Site, are just at your own risk.

We immediately without notice will close your account and remove you from our site. We reserve the right to change, raises for Services at any time. If you are dissatisfied with any changes in Service charges, you can finish the membership, in the letter to us. You agree to pay for the specified Site Services, such as, live chat video chat time and sending mail.

Account Options

You recognize and agree that your credits of the account are raised correctly. We can change or stop any Services or features at any time and without notice. We can establish new rules for the Services existing in the site. If someone member sends you spamб you can make complaint to our User Support service. If you have no credit card, you can report to us about it and declare the most convenient payment method. If you have no opportunity at this time to pay for purchase of the credits, please, contact us.

We are always ready to make a compromise. Users with negative credit balance or bonus test the credits remain limited in receiving services. To receive the current price for each credit goes to a certain field of setting. The new prices will be applied to your following purchase of the credits after regulators.

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If the price for a package of the credit is reduced, you have no opportunity to obtain compensation or the additional credits for the credits which are earlier bought at higher price. You are given the right for compensation if service which you have bought has been received in the improper way.

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We reserve the right to compensate inevitable services, crediting assets into your account. This Privacy policy describes our methods concerning a collection and use of information through our website located in www. By means of the site or the receiving any product or service through this site, you agree to a collection and use of information as it is specified in this policy.

We can update this policy, from time to time. We will notify you concerning changes of policy, sending the updated policy on this page. We ask that you have noted and periodically considered this page to guarantee the continuing acquaintance to the most urgent version of policy.

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You can define when this policy has been last time reconsidered, having checked a history at the policy basis. Rules of return on this site - a part of this agreement. We reserve the right to change rules of return at any time. All changes effective after registration. Consideration of requirements of administration of the site happens within 7 days except for days off. Ответить 7. Ссылки для кампаний 6 ответов. Владимир Бородин Артем Манульченко Маркетолог, индастриал-музыкант, мамкин угнетатель. Не знаете, что почитать? Картошкин П. Анастасия Чернуха Пустой холст без какой либо краски, даже белой.

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